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  Poem from my new book My Own Poems of Life


In this society we have different diagnoses
You can be autistic for one
And there is many variations of being autistic
Within that there are many different names
Of what you might have
You can have mild Autism
At the other end you can have severe Autism
Between them is what we call the Autism spectrum
It doesn't mean you can't have big problems
When you have mild autism
As when you have severe autism
I would say mine autism is somewhere there in the middle
My diagnosis is called Asperger Syndrom
So that is what I got
I got my diagnosis many years ago now
When Asperger Syndrom was still a thing

When you have Autism
You are different
Not bad
Just different
And autism can't be cured
In any way, shape or form really
We do function in different ways
We work in other ways then others
Then those that don't have autism
We have different abilities
All of us that have autism
One can have a special interest
And be very good on just that one thing
I can notice things when they change
Even if it's a very small change
I need to have my routines
Everthing need to be on it's specific place
I guess I can make myself better
Altough change is hard
Hard to come by
I don't like it
We are all different from as well of course
We all have traits that we can call our own
Yes indeed

Fri vers av Tommi Perkiö VIP
Läst 33 gånger
Publicerad 2024-04-27 13:15

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