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  Poem from my new book My Own Poems of Life

Nobody is Perfect

We all can't have a perfect life
You can only do your best
Living life to the fullest
Doing something important
Something important to you and others
Like these poems I write I feel is important
But just go on
Without making unnecessary mistakes
Without pushing away them closest to you
Without pushing away friends
Without being dishonest
Be nice to people
Think about how you are against people
You need to cultivate a connection to people you know
Making that person feel better about themselfes
In any way you can
But that is not the easiest thing to do all of the time
Hurting family is the worst
I always do my best not to hurt any one
Physically or mentally for that matter
Altough sometime my best is not enough
Then I just try harder
I do let my family know I love them from time to time
Especially my mom all of the time when I can

Your life as others sees it is also a factor
How people might see you
How you are
That you might be perfect in their eye
But you probably know where your faults lie
People would like to be perfect
But it's a part of life not being perfect
You just need to do your best
Enable a better life as much as you can
That is all

Fri vers av Tommi Perkiö VIP
Läst 25 gånger
Publicerad 2024-04-27 13:17

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