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We’re still such young race .... Människans civilization är så ung...

Beautiful Human Soul


Do not turn your eyes
from the high sky

The light
has already
began to fade
the night is coming

the whole world
around you
is chanting

What a dream
to be able to
remember this day
going into a restful night

The Universe
is waiting
holding its breath
a moment of transition
a moment of new birth
things beyond logic
impossible to describe


I know
there are days
when rain is washing
the sky
the brightness
is not bright
and laughter
is not present
it is okay
it’s okay
and dream
all night long
about happiness
which cannot come
from material things
it can only come
from the essence of deep
fractals of thoughts
shattered in different moments


Do you remember
when we touched
the Orion Arm
your fingers
like mine
just, touching
the nightly sky
but not the heaven

turn your eyes away
from the light
between us
it is the only treasure
we have
singing freely
with the wind of north
wind of the south


I wish
that every day
will smile
to you
to me
that this planet
should believe in
the story
beautiful human soul…
regardless of all our wars


Do you remember
curiosity of childhood…
We, walking along
a river of life
seeing things and phenomena
hamlets scattered in the greenery
so many people
and now many years later
we know that
wisdom without love
can not change humanity
and populate our Earth
with angels… :)

We humans have evolved
to handle
only a simple and single timeline
O yes,
we’re still such young race...

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 630 gånger och applåderad av 10 personer
Publicerad 2014-10-10 00:03

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