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Ibland behöver man framtiden för att förstå dåtiden, och vissa saker ser man bara i backspegeln. Vad ser du i din? Låttexten är nog 3 år gammal, men demon är ny.

Mirror Man

Do you remember when you were a child
Do you remember who you used to be
Can you recall the dreams you had
When your future was an open door,
Can you recall where you wanted to go
When you were young, and you were free
Now that time has had its way,
are you wiser than you were before
Are you keeping your ghosts at bay,
are they scratching at your front door?
Mirror man, just watch that door

I saw this guy the other day,
He just kept staring and he wouldn't leave
He sure as hell looked a lot like me
He said, blessed one, are you not better off?
Not counting curses that were never wrought?
The time has come for you to make a call
So you finally realize,
you never was the one you were
So shake off that disguise,
you'll always be the one you are
Mirror man, just leave me be

When you walk the streets of old
Are you lonely, are you lost in a crowd
Are you happy, are you feeling at ease
Well, past is past, or so they say
What's lost is lost, and forever away
But then again, who are they to say?
You lose your past, you lose your way
You forget the future, and then you walk astray
And when you face yourself one day,
your mirror man has walked away
Mirror man, never walk away

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Lustverket VIP
Läst 146 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2023-05-12 01:06

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jag har fragment av ett rått material som längtade efter att få bli fin och helig. sen har har damma process upprepats tills jag nu är nästan helt rå igen.

    ej medlem längre
Synth! Blipp blopp! \o/

(jag är inte smartare än så här idag, håll till godo)

  Respons VIP
Grym låt!

  Respons VIP
Mittor man - som en fånge mellan historia och framtid. Träffande igenkännbara rader.
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Lustverket VIP