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I Utkast: 1595 Bild © MissPlanet

Moon A Power of light

If you are on earth

What a journey youve been through

As a human being 

From the start at your birth

before that dark and through? 
Or was it never ending? 
No chapter of limitations 

Working your way through light and travels

You human, you bird, you mother, you father

you child, you life, you stone, you sea, you tree

you little humble bee and butterfly

you love you living devine of something high

Beond which quantom physics?

There must be one rule

Love, of this we are certain

Change is a part of dissilutions

Your light on the sky is my secret

Your brightness is my heart

The light inside is endless 

The morning waiting for its wings 

The birth of a new day 

The light inside the darkness 

of a mezmeresing Universe abyss. 

Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 117 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2023-04-26 17:06

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Songbird VIP