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Pieces of Heart

So this ain´t no psych talk
It’s just a little scribble
From my streets and my sidewalks
Ain’t no white chalks on the pavements
That I’m pacing, still I’m facing
The prospect of lives
That we are erasing
The lies that we are chasing
It chills me to the core
Might it be we are embracing
Memories of before
In order to escape
From identity, I guess
That we must process
This data of distress
But I must confess
I don’t know what to say
Afraid to say it
Afraid to fail it
A thing moved fast
Anything could derail it
Should I keep my mouth shut
And just bail it

They say listen to your heart
But this one is soundless
True, I found it boundless
As is yours, but still
I think we’re prowlers, and howlers
On lonely streets, even drowners
In astral seas
I think I’m missing the beats
They pound out in silence
And I can’t even tell
If they’re tokens of violence
But I try to make peace
And reach ya, and greet ya
Not through science,
That spawns defiance
Just plain old electronics,
And sonics,
Currents and volts
Blistering bolts
Yeah, voltage must be high yo
It must comply
To the power requirements
Of Jupiter and Io

Mirror, mirror on the wall
You were the clearest
Of them all, just like a
Crystal ball, and when I rubbed ya
Watched ya, I would get visions
Of my indecision
I saw my own hypocrisy
My inner division
Incisions were made
And ends were frayed
I think you cut me
And chopped me
It was a prophecy
Well, edges are sharp
On the apex of bureaucracy
I wondered, will it last
All the rooms we stuck our necks in
Dark mirror checkin’
Late night textin’
Would we push it to the fore
Closer than before
Enter the core, see what’s in store
Go for the nexus, try to hex it
Or make an exit,
Just like Britain did with Brexit
Yeah it’s hard to go real
And I don’t feel
That I’m real enough
For you to be grippin’
Think you might be slippin’
See, I’m already drippin’
Like water through your hands
Now call your ship in

Just keep those pieces of a torn-out heart
I don’t need ‘em no more
I don’t need ‘em no more
Just keep those pieces of a torn-out heart
I don’t hear it no more
I don’t hear it no more

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Lustverket VIP
Läst 116 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2023-06-01 13:54

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Lustverket VIP