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Life for we know not

halos glistening on my skin 

the heart as a witness

when given a sea 

you gave not

i write a new book

Glacier bars and strikes

Autumn leaves in strive

A herdsman ahead the line

Yeild for a clear blue day, its all fine

The continoius learning on the path

Let go of all the past

For in life we know not

Shimmer bright as the days

These endless trains with Wizard Oz stations

A feeling of enlightment and burning revelation 

I grew in anchient heiroglyphics,

perhaps you did too?

Never mind matter your silent reverie 

Our steps on cooble stone at the fort of life and debree 

Cuba blue on the floor, in the steam, you in me

All the wonders if you could see What i see


We laugh making a sunbed

We eartquake in our beings

We rise in amber thirst 

We all perceived love

since the beginning of earth

i grew

Oh how i grew

Did ever you? 

I passed through 

I tried to cry making it a bed for rain 

but the tears never came

I just saw the sun and the hapiness 

I already knew before i knew

just (....)  passing through 

painted in gold from all our secret doors 

From coast of coral into swastika praise 

I let you in my golden soil

I still whisper into winds when i awake

There will be earth, there will be sun

A moon and a forever hiding spoon 

Pulling it all from its deepest roots 

Take love and blow your heart into it

For in life we know not

Just let it go i told myself

A stung in my belly with precious faith 

There is nothing in this to erase

Just something to be caught up in and fly away

The virtue of our vibrations

So i go off into my wings

I swallow stones, i chew stones

A silent reflection in the sea of

I Love You 

still leaving a jet stream in solitude

in greatfullness, in slow pace 

She can also be a woman in war...

but surely not your kind of war...

Greatful like the only rose i am

This is where it all begins again






Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 95 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2023-10-10 20:17

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Songbird VIP