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I Arkivet 1897 dikter. Letters from Magnolia.

Around Pacific Midnight


I study my own melancoly

Theres a moon glow for us

To light up the darker roads

A dreamy state of mind

A place were i dont have to go

Your the first person i look for entering a room

where the energy flows

And Everytime we meet in this lighted

heart,  its a radiant flow

At first i wondered if you felt the tingle too

Then i found out you did and we grew

A happy smile in our numoinous glow

A heaven of ease we deserve

Oh the tounges roles perfect like a dance in

forever young and  its a universe of a smashing colide

Mmm my love i surrender, i abide

My chest, the butterflies arrive, my lungs they rise high and low

The Indus Green Valley, you enter my gold …still…slow…take it slow

N our eys they go, they travel inside

Inside our souls i cant breathe, im disy

Im giddy, im calm, im totally blind

Im unfolded by our garden glory

ohh ohhh I  cant hide,

cause your so deep inside

My happy smile, im abloom, this is a Magnolia tide

Whithout a doubt you take me to the stars

inside our sight and laughter you take me beond far

I fell in love before i even touched your skin or no i didnt fall i grew

Fallen things brake and im whole when im whith you.
I wanna tell you my jokes, when you laugh you put the heart inside of me toghether,

the one that broke. So its fine. 

You embrace my whole inner being but then we fall through ourselfes like a quiet No silent avalanche landing in cotton then we wake up in the sea

So much body, so much trembelling

and never not enough time 

So much desire that feels like a crime


I gave you my corners

I gave my edges

I give you and…


Oh i love your smile

I love your hands

Oh yes We are connected to a mountain source

You gave a bit of your Universe

We grew in to yin and yang

We traded love into our breaths

I never was afraid of what we found

Although i sometimes whish it was outside

Not inside boiling crazy,

Like a soda Yoda in my body

In all these phantoms i never once thought about courage,

because we feel as one

Unbeknowst your a happy place, i felt home

Yet, What a mess you make of us

Just like it is What it is, and i plant roses in my mouth while you land on the moon whith a space still needed to be filled.

And it should have been a love whithout question marks.

I really shouldve…

Still i just breathe slowly

Gently im still in aw

by your footsteps in the sand


Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 74 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2023-10-26 09:38

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Songbird VIP