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Are you calling yourself free and thinking without much Knowledge of anything about Reality? Nobody is blaming you personally, but there is soon no chance left for slow thinkers and the conceited anywhere… As long as a large part of this world’s brainwashed believe that their own power is enough and no might is above them; then these will continue to sink down to the lowest of the Worlds to be punished, or just be left to die if they are lucky.


Our high cultures are far more than the small remains and ruins that we collectively managed to save from the foes’ filthy hands. Our born within and inherited cultures, or rather our Culture, as it is largely identical and set under different names in this world. (Just a very shallow existence or an extreme ignorant would fail to see that clearly.) The people in the good and high cultures were distinguished by consciousness, clarity and honour, so the constructed non-culture that came after that should have been impossible to carry through if the people had not had been threatened, forced and murdered. This is a well-known fact and a very obvious insight among most, but still it is avoided today among weak when there is spoken of our revenge and justice! Our lives are not others’ game.
Nowadays must obviousness as that the Gods exist get a foothold in all societies…


I am asked sometimes about places where you could meet forefather-spirits, or see a being or an entity. I do know where, but that is not something one should give away. Regardless if you get the mixed pleasure to meet some of these or not, it is of importance that you will never see or meet spirits, beings or entities, if these do not wish that happening for their own purpose. Now drag some rich and real conclusions out of this. Trust in nothing that is unknown.
I have also been asked about how reincarnation works. With the choice of a reincarnation is the bloodlines followed down through the kindred lineages. Relatively few are returned here, but in this time many more than usual are here for this awaited breaking-point in time.
When it comes to Godar, shamans, and a few others with higher knowledge; it is quite like inside our very own blood in that there is a gathering of Knowledge from many of the Worlds. (This doesn’t mean they would know all there is, or even what is right.) The Knowledge is constricted by the Gods and their closest to spread. The Warriors will naturally always be the highest valued in existence, here meaning the hidden and real reincarnated teachers.


The Truth behind most of the wars, starvation catastrophes, “natural” catastrophes, spreading of sickness, the forced migration of different people, the controlled governments, all this and much more to it that is affecting our world in general is a must to regain our rightful and complete control over. Our will to take back our own might is the key. The accessories to the attacks against our world are to a large part unknowing of what they have realized and often don’t know nearly enough to see the comprehensive Reality.

The War is soon out of its words. Force and might will stand alone until Ragnarok.

Övriga genrer (Översättning) av 1 SIGFRIDSSON VIP
Läst 81 gånger
Publicerad 2023-12-11 01:56

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