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The insight regarding The Gods existence in Yggdrasil is the most basic and valuable knowledge for all beings in the Universe.
All human consciousness in this world will be cleansed with Knowledge and again retain a life with normal insight, will for life and clarity.
As long as we live is Knowledge; the Gods’ Answers and our inner, free and according to natural laws in blood and Önd, what we always will treasure and harbour; to our sole accessible might, gladness and freedom, with The Gods in the War of all Wars.
Reality’s return in The New Time gives that we can fulfill wishes about our own sufficiency and reach up to free live on in a normal dignity.


The found clean parts from The Culture in our ruins and scriptures; that have been found in all the high cultures traces after The Gods and their children’s new times in all our parts of this world, are us now what this world owns in a material culture value, with few exceptions.
(That The Heritage isn’t allowed peace from the foes’ filthy hands is well-known, but it’s now important to point out, and to hold in mind: All negative influence by the manipulations has a fiendish cause.)
For certain is that there has been made a great deal that handles The Culture even in the hardest afflicted parts in this world, and that some of it is good enough to hesitate calling it junk-culture. In The New Time Viet can bring forth older and newer material from clean sources and in good time throw away all that has had any involvement with any wrongdoings. All those since long spread wrongful imaginations regarding what The Worlds, The Gods and Life are, have now done that a large part of humanity, for the last time, must be taught with normal Knowledge regarding Reality.

“Reality’s return in The New Time gives that we can fulfill wishes about our own sufficiency and reach up to free live on in a normal dignity.”

The Folk are made after The Gods with The Culture as the core in all our existences. So, when clear and precise Knowledge of Reality becomes mistrusted so has this, which clearly can be seen in this Middle-period of time, left large parts of humanity deranged and in dying. The will to be oneself and cleaned get to live after one’s own adapted and born within culture is every freed existence a solid right. Knows one not where one has been and what the self is, so will one’s life become worth nothing in such a dead-born and futile condition. Wants it to be let on that it is about an egoism to become oneself and wish all The Gods Folk free to become themselves, as well as counteract those who constantly search to degrade and kill us, so let us then all be deeply guilty to a rightfully aimed hatred and healthy egoism.
We own the rights to our inner-outer life-abilities; that can free humanity to be fully restored as fully worthy beings.
The Culture from The Gods is all in our lives and we will reach our final victory in Life.


That all greater intelligences have dedicated their lives to reach up on the ladder in The Higher Art for thousands of years, tells us undoubtedly something regarding the value and use with owning our own force. In the present are obviousness regarding the two available forces; the own force and Megin, and the differently inherited abilities, met with hesitation and questioning; which would be healthy and highly wished for if now the questioning was not an expression for a forced lack of knowledge and is a contributing cause to this world’s inner-outer sickness.

“Without us the foes would have taken all higher life here long ago.”

To sense when one is watched is to have sufficient ability of perception. Likewise, from the other direction; being able to send force that can be sensed by others. This done non-consciously or not. To see light or darkness in others eyes, or in one’s own eyes in a mirror or caught on a photography, is about seeing a simple time-travelling we all can do by fasten the memory on that present moment in time. To gather energy inside and manage to work, protect the self, or send energies, is at this low level for all of us common. That this shows the basics in The Higher Art is clear enough. These abilities have all humans normally and we can call this “real magic”, and we would then be right. It is time for this world to state a plentiful and united progress, regardless that the shallow “science” now cannot reach to what we actually do know.
It’s true that The Higher Art hold greater abilities and gifts for us who have and take a larger burdensome responsibility for others’ lives and are kind hearted helpers.
Since thousands of years are we with the higher knowledges in Knowledge, and with normal insights intact, the only help and life savers the Folk in our world have present. Without us the foes would have taken all higher life here long ago.


Certain is that Reality is set above our existences own wishes and that Reality is in us, and also outside us all, in a temporary and receptive wholeness and can be learned to the healthy and mature.
It has been said before: One who is worthy in the eyes of The Gods are always valuable in Life, for traditions and Truth are the very core and makings for human life in this our world; as well as far out in other parts of the Universe.
It is now always a question about might and status to reach, or hold on to, our value and our freedom. To want to contend something other than the realities of the War of all Wars is ridiculously ignorant and the gathered aim is to assure our rightful might.

The end goal in this our existence is now set to reach forward to Ragnarok.
All shall do their sufficient part for their existence in the War of all Wars, or succumb.

Övriga genrer (Översättning) av 1 SIGFRIDSSON VIP
Läst 88 gånger
Publicerad 2023-12-16 23:04

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