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Mercy Lights

There is noo need to explain the crossword puzzles from the heart

as words never dazzles as much as truth

I try utterly to love the questions themselfes

What can i learn from life?
How can i merely turn it around to let myself

grow in the sentences like a saving raft for us. 

The experience from runaway shelfes

In this valley of words i build a Mountain 

 There i am in the past, present and future

Braided with wildgrass and flowers

The music drift through the chills over the hills into the core,

heavy sighs, bordun smiles and you know...the joy of life

We are all looking for a place to go. We as humans. 
whilst being content in your  core ought to be enough

Ahead is the awaited greif, the relief, the coming home. So...

I mould you into my memory, into my now this is what we do then we write poems with a form paralyzing timidity. A quietness in the green meadow amongst the waiting until i forgot why i was waiting in the waiting for nothing and all in waiting to come.
And i whish you could move a poem closer to balance, heart and stability.

 When this life sees you

its whith its whole life

Its with its whole life of love 

Do you see?

Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 37 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2024-01-31 22:39

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Songbird VIP