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3 day total solar eclipse starts 04-08 2024

Shadow Dance in Total Eclipse.

Se apropie eclipsa total? de soare: va fi noapte în plin? zi. Românii care vor prinde urm?toarea eclips? nu s-au n?scut - Stirileprotv.ro

Shadow Dance

In the cosmic ballet, where stars ignite, And the moon pirouettes in the void of night, A spectacle grand, a rare delight, As the sun bows down to the moon’s might.

Eclipse Total

The day turns dark, a curious sight, A dance of shadows in broad daylight, The sun’s fiery crown, hidden from sight, By the moon’s silent, encroaching flight.

Celestial Lullaby

A hush falls over the watching throng, As daylight fades, and shadows grow long, A moment of wonder, where we belong, To a universe vast, where mysteries throng.

Corona’s Glimmer

The corona whispers in silver tones, A halo of light, softly it shones, A fleeting glimpse of the sun’s unknowns, In the total eclipse, its beauty is shown.

What to Expect (nasa.gov)

Await the Dawn

As the shadow passes, light reclaims the sky, A reminder of time, ever ticking by, Until the next dance, we bid goodbye, To the eclipse total, with a contented sigh.

May this poem capture the essence of the awe-inspiring event of a total solar eclipse, where day briefly turns to night and the wonders of our universe are on full display.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 37 gånger
Publicerad 2024-03-31 14:06

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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP