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To feel worried in front of the large and cataclysmic changes that have already been started with Ragnarok as well as the beginning of the third and final world war; and high above this the actual "return" of The Gods in this our New Time, is of course easy to understand. The naivety and ignorance which still presses most will soon disappear with that our own owned and inherited knowledge regarding The Gods and The Worlds that long enough has been hindered to reach large parts of humanity to partake in, realize and get to live with in Reality will now be restored in us all.


It is around eight hundred years since the northern parts of our world last had any freedom in The Knowledge, in other parts of the world longer, and in some parts for a little less time. The foe's excesses, frauds and uncountable murders managed in spite of The Gods warnings to fool and "persuade" the Folk to thralldom. The Great Illusion which then started with all these infiltrations and terrorism against our life's in all parts of our world is still almost unimaginable for most and to reach to a clear overview through the forged history become almost impossible. A fully righteous revenge can sadly never be completed, even if we wrongfully should count one against one in a sort of experiment between our all-encompassing rights and our parasites.

The still ongoing invasion of America and Europe is a part of the foes scam where they want to paint The Gods as "the white Gods", meanwhile The Gods are more than that: The Gods' blood and the high cultures are inside all Folk in all our parts of our owned world.


We have long seen how the reincarnated and valuable wasted away their lives with engaging in meaningless studies and work, or playing in some kind of entertainment industry without any value, other than a little money and short-lived egotistical enjoyment. (To avoid to take responsibility for one´s own and others´ life is sadly not even excluded in myself. But, I have now long been paying the price to have the right to my life.) The need we all can feel in front of what has to be done in Midgard is more than reaching the honour and good use; It is all that we are in this world. We need more tailwind and a cold-hammered will that bring us forward to the complete and final victory.

The natural selection, the core itself for all freedom and love, has long enough been thrown out by the foes in support for the death cults there lying, degradation and murders are systematically set in order. These death cults are the deadly "Abrahamitic" that holds its grip around the false and led ideologies which have ravaged and ruled over our Folk and lands. The foes have painted shiny pictures where they hide their darkness and their murdering plans with empty words. Furthermore, hiding their frighteningly weak minds with the art of predictions and presages and out of that steal thoughts and events to misuse and mislead with as weaponry. These mentioned thought-thefts throughout Time comes from The Gods themselves as well as from the deprived masses presently weak understanding. The foes hold steadfast in their untruths and half-truths and if anyone knows them right, they will just say that its wrongly understood, etcetera. When their house of cards now will fall, they will be forced to hunt down the few surviving sheep in a new hurdle where they will be fed to finally be eaten.

Soon will most in clarity see what the foe´s deranged "subhuman-ideals" leads to. Our societies are in a decline because of aimed words predicted through the foes awkwardly retarded religions and ideologies that lack all authority, but still are treated as if they would be laws among the most ignorant.


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Publicerad 2024-05-05 14:00

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