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The boy with the x-ray eyes.


you wonder why there\'s so much hate
i often wonder too
you wonder why you don\' t fit in
among the downtown crew
there are so many questions in
that pretty head of yours
there is an answer to each one
if you ignore the bores

you need the x-ray vision from heaven
then the truth shall be revealed
you need that x-ray vision from heaven
or the truth remains concealed

just search the scriptures and you\' ll see
a wonderful dimension
you need that special power to
release you from the tension
the devil doesn\' t want you to
he won\' t give up dominion
he plots and schemes
and he manipulates the world opinion

the time is right
don\' t hesitate
the darkness is defeated
there is a light
it\'s getting late
don\' t end up being cheated
and far beyond your wildest dreams
and your imagination
there flows a precious silver stream
we call it consecration

LARZ GUSTAFSSON September 2, 2000

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 331 gånger
Publicerad 2007-12-17 13:14

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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP