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Page Goldenboy

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45 år Male icon från Göteborg

“Writing is a solitary occupation. Family, friends, and society are the natural enemies of the writer. He must be alone, uninterrupted, and slightly savage if he is to sustain and complete an undertaking.” - Jessamyn West



MINA TEXTER, Arkiv 159 Texter      RSS-flöde för texter

10 x geniet du nånsin x 10 kommer vara skit dålig - 2024-06-02
VILKET JÄVLA TJAT - 2024-06-02
losing a half-friend - 2024-06-02
jag var lycklig när jag typ var 13-år - 2024-06-01
Completely utterly Mad-hatter 100% wacko insane terminology! - 2024-05-31
Livets upp-och-ner vändningar - 2024-05-31
my strength in writing for short stories - 2024-05-31
Robert walks to Amsterdam for anal gang-bang - 2024-05-30
stress och psykos (2) - 2024-05-30
a soul in torment / a soul in contentment (part I) (2) - 2024-05-29
bank konto blues - 2024-05-28
hjälp: hopplöst altruist - 2024-05-28
Introversion illa ute i dess tider - 2024-05-27
I realized I need to write; despite rights or wrongs - 2024-05-24
self-destructive behavior without drugs - 2024-05-21
don’t drink coffee and play a 7-pt match in backgammon - 2024-05-20
9/10 genier är det geniet dom tror dom är - 2024-05-20
It's cost-free to study your own brain - 2024-05-19
Can anything good come out of Trenchtown - 2024-05-19

« Första 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sista »

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I write about love, mental health, dystopia among other thinigs -because I care about the world. I should probably be more selfish. Love doesn't really play any games with me anymore though. I have quoted myself as ''Great artist or bust!'' /////

Blev medlem maj 2023

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