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  On my way home I saw wondrous things... 4

What are you doing with your life?




If you think
is a human weakness
the meaning of life will pass you by.


If you think
 power is the same as dictarorship
you will  become the weakest of man.


If you think
life itself can be tamed
you will be at war every day of your life.


If you think
life is a hopeless and sad story you will miss 

 its true purpose.



But to be humble 
and forgive with the heart of the soul,

to be smart
and share power with all mankind,

to be kind
and live a creative life with love, respect and
understanding for every living creature, 

and to be grateful for every opportunity to do so,
I know 
your life will become a spectacular journey,
well worth taking.

And that is what it all comes down to in








Fri vers av Evelyn Falk Möller VIP
Läst 410 gånger
Publicerad 2015-10-24 20:41

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