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Oppositional poetry is the weapon used
by non-violent student organizations on
Campus in Palestine and Israel against
the occupying Israeli regime,which is
copared to the Gestapo during the Hitler
regime and Zionism as the new Nazism,
where 6000 Palestinians were previously
imprisoned without trial and lawyer,
where many die of torture and denied
medical treatment,
while Palestinians right to move freely
is constantly curtailed by restrictions
on existential space,
akin to Warzaw 1945 and Berlin Wall.

It has gone so far that Israel has been
compared to Russia,and that Jews them-
selves have formed opinion movements
such as "Jews Against Zionisme"
with the call "To resist is to exist"


Övriga genrer av Notarius publicus:Sten Wiking VIP
Läst 85 gånger
Publicerad 2023-10-23 05:53

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