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  Poem from my new book My Own Poems of Life


What drives one to suicide anyways
It could be many different things
Many different reasons
Has to be serious though
Why anyone would try such a thing is anyones guess
I would like people to live instead
If they deserves life that is
Altough I'm not one to judge
But let these people know how important they are
In mind
And in soul
Before something happens
Let us help these people as much as possible
When one can
They should not stand alone
These people
If you are suicidal
Don't be afraid of asking for help
There will always be people that care and love you
People wouldn't like you to be dead
Just reach out to somebody
Before it's to late
I'm really lucky to be alive today
Because I have tried to kill myself so many times before
More then one could count
It's sort of a miracle I'm alive actually
I reached out
And I got help so that I wouldn't try to kill myself
Any more
Some time ago now
There is many who is glad about that
Glad that I'm alive today
Those who care and love me
And I'm glad that I'm alive for them
My loved ones
So that I can be here for them
At the same time being here for myself
Feeling some kind of self-worth

Fri vers av Tommi Perkiö VIP
Läst 28 gånger
Publicerad 2024-04-29 14:08

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