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  A poem from my new book My Owm Poems of Life


Today there is much to gain
If there is something you want
Concentrate towards that
That specific thing until you have it
Try thinking about what you have
Instead of what you don't
Like family and all of that
The love you have
If you are smart you will never miss
What you don't have right now
Aim for something you want
Then you will get it eventually
You can gain much by not rushing for something
It can take it's time
Be patient
Don't think about it so much
So it takes over your life completely
Your time will come eventually
Having is great
While not having is not so fun
Depending what you thinking about
There is many who don't
Lets try to think about those

Fri vers av Tommi Perkiö VIP
Läst 28 gånger
Publicerad 2024-04-30 12:17

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