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We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers. -Carl Sagan. Be a star on the way.


They say you don’t choose your master, the master choose you. She was born with Death. Death picked her and chose her as his pupil so Death became her Master through Life. He was a hidden Master with hidden knowledge but he kept track on her and if she didn’t learn he repeated it until she learned. Before she was born he took her father while her mother was pregnant and it broke her mother´s heart. Mr Death took her father’s place.
Her Master’s teachings were different from what we have ever heard. Her first lesson was to lose the most precious thing in her world, her mother. Death is a silent partner so we never know when he comes, sometimes he knocks, sometimes he don’t, this time he didn’t. When she lost her mother, she lost her world, she had to learn all the steps what comes with sorrow. She was left with 2 younger brothers and a drunken stepfather with empty pockets. They sent away the middle brother to his biological father. She couldn't do anything more than cry.
Her Masters lesson number 2 was; “You have control of nothing.” Her master took her stepfather. He got mysteriously killed and she was forced to rebuild her young life. She had no control of the moment, she was concerned. She learned to see the present, accept without judgment. When she lost her stepfather she also lost her home and they sent away her youngest brother to some foster home. Once again she couldn't do anything more than cry.
Her Masters lesson number 3 was; “Death don’t pardon kids.” Her neighbor was kind enough to give her a place to stay. Her Master paid the neighbor a visit and took their son, their son hung himself and nobody knows why. Death works in Mysterious ways.
Her Masters lesson number 4 was; “Death´s many faces.” She worked many years in a place where Death interfered. Death has many faces, we have to lose all our fears when Death appears. We may never die before Death arrives.
Her Masters lesson number 5 was; “Violent Death.” Her Master´s examination was to take her youngest brother. Loud and violent, the violent don’t die a natural death. Her youngest brother got murdered, she surrendered. He was like her own child. She understood that the more she knew, the less she knew.
Her masters Lesson number 6 was; “Wisdom of the heart.” She was affected, she tried to see but she didn’t see. She tried to listen but she didn’t hear. She found silence by looking inside herself. She made a journey from her head to her heart, where the knowledge is bound. Our heart carries wisdom that our eyes cannot see.
Her Masters lesson number 7 was; ”Love.” Love saved her, to understand Love is to understand Life, to understand Life is to understand Death. Life and Death goes hand in hand. She let love embrace her, she saw herself as everything, she loved herself as everyone.
Her Masters lesson number 8 was; “Essence.” Her master finally showed her his face, he also showed her Time and Space. She felt his Love, he showed her the light in the valley of darkness. She lost all her fears in No Man´s land. She witnessed the end without ending. Time changes not but all things change in time.
Her Masters lesson number 9 was; “The Light.” Her Master knocked on her door, he was about to take her best friend, it was his time to end. She got 1 hour to say goodbye. She hold her best friends hand, felt their band. She felt the process of changing to forms that are not of this world. We must become formless before we are with the light. She understood that heaven does good to all, doing no evil to no one. The Mystery is the doorway to all understanding. If we don’t seek the valley of shadow, then light will only appear. The voice of Light is clear. She is the Light and so are we. Her Master´s teachings was over.
She became brave.

Fri vers av SagaArt VIP
Läst 840 gånger och applåderad av 14 personer
Publicerad 2010-05-31 19:29

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"we have to lose all our fears when Death appears
We may never die before Death arrives"

Stor applåd!


Våra vägar fram till kärlekens ljus och värme är olika, men min är sorgkantad som skrivarjagets. Tack för att du delar! ♥

  Nina Nightwish VIP
En helt otroligt bra text! Den fängslar en, så man inte kan sluta läsa, underbar!

    Jimmy Tripolitsiotis
Mycket bra Satu.....
Vi skall alla den vägen vandra,förr,nu eller senare....

det är bara den som upplever
- som förstår



  Max Poisé VIP
Nu kom den, jag som har väntat och väntat!
En lysande text, med ljuvlig distans till födelsens
motsats. Jag har sagt det förut, och jag säger det
igen. Fy fasen vad bra!

Tänk om fler kunde stanna upp och läsa!


  Larz Gustafsson VIP
Så det finns kvinnliga frimurare trots allt?

Jesus is MY Master.
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SagaArt VIP