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That smile I lost...

will I ever

smile again

Oh I've lost something Dear to me
it was so important to be able to see
Oh I've lost, Oh I've lost
something Dear to me

You ask me, from a depth of Love
and knowing me, as no other ever will
You - of all people in the world
You - ask me

With all your tears - that cry
for the love you have - for me
for everything, you know - about me
everything - you know
I carry within - my soul

You say

"Suddenly I was so scared, I had to ask?
what if you truly would give up?
Would you? It?s YOU?"

and you touch my chest
and still - you cry

And all the time
you look at me

and your tears render your soul and heart
for me
for the love you have for me

and you say

"This is serious!"

and I look at you - Dear Twin Sister

and I hug you close

and in some short words I try to
give you solace

"I would never."

and then I give you

my smile

and I say

"Come, let's go and make some food?"


But something have snapped.

and I can?t carry around with all this inside of me
any longer

it all have to come out

one way or the other

and I'm not sure
I want to be held responsible
for whatever will happened next
but I have to

no one else have ever even tried

and I'm so sick and tired
of all the lies

and for all the people
never even given the opportunity
to really get to know me
as I know myself

strong in Human Compassion
with a great longing
for Life and Love

and Twofold

and I want my life back
it was by all means I know of
intended - from the beginning
it was made such
that it should have been
about me

no one else

but I've lost

Oh I've lost,
Oh I've lost
something Dear to me

Fri vers (Fri form) av Nightngale
Läst 542 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2011-02-19 00:58

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brukar ha svårt att läsa engelska texter, Men denna flöt på bra! Gillar när man får reda på att det är ett syskonpar den handlar om. smärtsam text om att vara på randen till ett självmord...var min tolkning. Ett själsligt självmord som kanske redan begåtts på ett eller annat sätt och ett försök att täcka över det med ett leende. snyggt!
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