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Krossad kärlek blev till hat..

But you will never know

I wanted to make you scared to death
from the hate I trown at you
make you shiver, feel battered
from the nightmare I brought you into

make you screem my name
screem to me just to make the monsters go away
how much I loved you, that love is gone
I ordered the monsters to say

make you mention my name in fear
make you remember what pain Ive cost you
make you remember my pscychical game
make you to loose, make you cry to me like only you could do

run from me in fear
I dont want you here anymore
the evil picture of me
change the beautiful picture I was before

get back to the hatred
feel the pain because so do I
and when I hate you so much
why was it so hard to say goodbye?

wander away from me
tears are falling inside bue I'll never let you know
hate me, leave me because I hate you too
home alone at bed the tears starts to flow..

but you will never know

Fri vers av theFuckinJenny
Läst 255 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-03-29 20:35

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