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Greeting to absent friends

We were poets my friend, poets and dreamers 
with no worries about the day after tomorrow. 
Every breath we drew was a celebration of life 
and every woman a secret waiting to be revealed. 
And we fought, like warriors for the words to be heard, 
as if even the smallest whisper was a battle. 
Back in the days when we had no shadows behind our eyes. 
When we were poets
We were poets my friend, poets and dreamers 
with no worries about the day after tomorrow. 

Every breath we drew was a celebration of life 
and everyone had secrets worlds
just waiting to be revealed. 

And we fought, like warriors
for those words to be heard, 
as if even the smallest whisper was a battle. 

Back in the days
when we had no shadows
behind our eyes. 

When we were poets

Fri vers av Roger VIP
Läst 600 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-04-15 08:25

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..And still I prefer the poets world.
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Roger VIP