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You never saw it coming
don´t think anyone did
Life is a turning torso
Spinning, twisting around
Higher and higher and higher
the sky has no limit you know
fast like a rocket I´m going
endless is my road

Time won´t tell
only long nights of words
only long nights of thoughts
has the answer I need

I´m burnin like a flame
My brain is like a hurricane
Horizon is a black narrow line
made by pencil so fine
Yea, higher and higher and higher
the sky has no limit you know
fast like a rocket I´m going
endless is my road

No time won´t tell
Only long nights of words
only long nights of thoughts
has the answer I need

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Lindalou
Läst 175 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2011-07-06 10:40

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