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från en av Yrres vackra originaltexter "...Poetry Dear..." http://www.poeter.se/viewText.php?textId=1354947

Poetry Dear (Yrre)


Turning vastness against my flesh

I bide my wait in tranquility

that which arise grants me solace

and life is my longing serenity

as blackness is the growing seed

birth to keep in silence

still the whole longing of the heart

the consolation's glade is boundless

if at random I am bequeathed a cliff to fall

is then the beach to find to hold?

or am I greeted by disbelief the sinister the cold

to wander my lifetime long and tall

Freeze then my all in the silent narrow freeze

nor sun nor moon shall shine again!

so shall I live my day in life with furnace

and the cold in silent water's smooth yielding

no fairytales and no fables shall portray me

no happy ends shall the doors close for the free

We are the being without apologies like a whisper

an assumption of existence

that is why and only why

I put my pen to paper

that is why I dare to rhyme

about that which is great and willing and true

I only hope you do so too

only then can we paint our hearts

in purple and pink and yellow

just cast away for once

all that is ugly and hollow

bide by the nearest crest of the mountain

and cast us out therefrom

'cause the word and the pen and the poetry

are what we really need from hereon


Yrre 27 Aug 2011

L Patrik WJ english version "Halloween" 31 Okt 2011



Poem Gems

Övriga genrer (Översättning) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 600 gånger och applåderad av 12 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-31 18:34

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  Bibbi VIP
Grattis till placeringen "MEST BOKMÄRKTA DENNA VECKA" till detta så ljuvliga!

    ej medlem längre
Underbart vackert!

  L Patrik W Johansson VIP
raden "as blackness is the growing seed
birth to keep in silence "

skrevs snarlika samma dag i mail som du skrev den
när jag sa jag tycke den skulle passa på engelska

Be well,

  Yrre VIP
Å men jösses så bra så mycket bättre! Blir alldeles rörd i mitt hjärta och till engelskan må jag erkänna att du slår mig på fingrarna, när som helst tack snälla Du!!!!
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L Patrik W Johansson
L Patrik W Johansson VIP