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December 2011: http://ccchampagne.wordpress.com/2011/12/11/knowledge/


Knowledge is power, so much more than the words we read!
It is in every sound we hear and everything we see.
Knowledge has built empires, has conquered disease,
has taught us how to tame the wild and could, one day, give peace.
To learn is to gain power over self and future goals,
to understand how our world works, and how to help save souls.
The sentiment of knowledge and the power that it brings
is not just to make money that will help you buy more things.
No, knowledge and its power goes much deeper, if you will.
With knowledge and its power comes an understanding thrill.
One day, if you just listen, if you read and use your brain
your future is much brighter than you could ever say.
Open up your eyes and mind, take in what is around
and soak up everything you can, every single sound.
Take heed of ancient warnings, but do not fear what is new
the only one to hold you back from your future goals is you.

Fri vers av CC Champagne
Läst 252 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-12-11 13:29

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