Edward Scissorhands".

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Lyssna allra helst till: "Edward Scissorhands".

The Land of Rain






just like a lullaby
a song you sang so beautifully
to my heart


Angel Eyes
you made me feel so safe and happy
singing our song
love's sweet melody

but when the time came
for you to leave me
all that was so beautiful and loud
abandoned me too
so silently
disappearing into a tearfilled cloud
that seem to be following me

now I live my life without you
in the Land of Rain
a place where the tears never end

emptiness surrounds me
holds me in its arms
without your love I'm lost
here in the Land of Rain
where the sky cries constantly
and its tears are endless

my fingers are numb for all the writing I've done
my eyes are sore
and my papers are soaking wet with salty tears
here in the Land of Rain


Angel Eyes
your love was just like the wind
I could feel it
but never see it
nor could I keep it

Angel Eyes
all I can do
is to remember you
our song, my heart's lullaby

and if I listen closely
I can still hear it
in my soul




Fri vers av Nicklas VIP
Läst 469 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2012-06-14 06:09

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Du lyckas verkligen fånga känslan i dikten. Jättefint!

  April skies
Jättefin dikt! Får en Bob Dylan känsla när jag läser den. Du fångar verkligen den känsla av tomhet och ensamhet som drabbar en när någon lämnar.
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Nicklas VIP