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(Andra texten på engelska) - ändrad 2012-10-12


Something is wrong
Something is dead
Can you hear me?

I am screaming in your dreams

Something is wrong
Something is dead
Can't you see me?

I am bleeding out
deep inside your head

Something is wrong
Something is dead
I can't feel my heart beating
I can't breathe the air with my lungs

I only feel your tears in my eyes


Let's tear out my heart
Let's tear out my pain

Something is wrong
Something is dead

You died when you were sleeping
-the last time in my arms-

Some things are wrong
Some things are dead
But not you
the memory of you
still lingers
-deep down-
in my
My soul still sings for you
I love you


But something will
always be wrong
always be dead
´cause a piece of me died with you

© 2012 Celticgirl

Fri vers (Fri form) av Celticgirl
Läst 351 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2012-10-11 19:47

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