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Vad är Solipsism egentligen? Vad är utsatthet och ensamhet?

Solipsism – only me/bara jag


The world and other minds do not exist

Its only me and

a logical problem :)

to whom am I writing?


Do we live in a stone garden

surrounded by silence

and solitude?

And detachment from reality…


J. Christ himself

has changed

the extreme vulnerability

in victory and an eternal hope.


Our world is traumatized

- the great body

So do we

- small cells in the body.


              But sometimes we should meet


              in “I don’t know where” garden.


             at an evening


             in the stone garden.


             And Look!


             You can se, you see


              cloudless evening and constant moon


              a great beauty flowering


              just around us


              the spectrum of dying day


              all things only of earth and water.


              We must composed us


              in the landscape and the night


              because we are worth


              to survive the next morning.


Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 565 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2013-02-23 18:45

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