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Hymn to hall up high

Oh ocean blue, I sing to thee,
embrace my essence, come set me free!
For I have walked this earth too long,
and know the fears and joy of man;

I tasted tears, wove dreams denied,
made love in orchards of the night.
Where sun would rise, to hearts delight,
whom beheld symphonies of shade;
thy strings of drowsing darkness
praising infant rays of light.

And whilst thy vision did impress,
it would not let my sore soul rest.
So hear me sing, oh ocean deep,
this shattered shell is thine to keep!

Please hear my prayers, thy waves of white,
heed my griveous call!
Oh harvest moon, the time has come,
reap the seeds of agnst thou hast sown!

My treasured twilight, take this burden,
release from earthly plight!
I have felt thy might seduce my spirit,
and now I yearn for wisdom still unknown.

So bestow me blessings, grant me passage,
to thy kingdom through the clouds.
Set thy table, feed my hunger,
quench my thirst with wells of lore;

In hallowed hall up high, where stars die and sun is nigh

Bunden vers (Rim) av anathema VIP
Läst 372 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-08-21 17:41

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anathema VIP