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Twilight Woman

You wake up when there is twilight
And you take when there is twilight
You take what you believe to be yours
The champange that you are drinking
While all pain that you are thinking
to inflict on others with your force.
Your beauty is decieving
With your beauty you're achieving
red lips look they want to be kissed
If only youll be letting them
You lure men but forgetting them
So they feel an opportunity missed

For all your feelings
To destruction
you seduction
would lead
Not woth a single sign you're revieling
You look hot but your cold
And your victims not told
That on their pittyful soul
you will feed.

In the darkness you'ld be racing
Before morning light is chasing
Away the shadows where your evil can dwell
The wound will soon be dripping
And the blood you will be sipping
Its irresistible delightful smell
You drain them till its hopeless
And you chain them till its hopeless
Just the thought to even try to escape
When you finally are finished
A soul is so diminished
from the bottom of a barrel could scrape


When stars and moon the earth face
The night becomes the birthplace
of the vapor from malicious breath
And fragrance turn to odour
the head upon your shoulder
Bears a brain that is tuned into death
A man is just a victim
You despise him and evict him
When his feelings is let out of control
You'll be feeding on his misery
And tomorrow he'll be history
When you claimed another pittyful soul


Bunden vers (Rim) av Knickedick
Läst 252 gånger
Publicerad 2013-11-10 14:02

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