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We're all afraid

We're all afraid of shadows from the past,
that used to come and stay here for a while.

We hope so badly past is gone at last -
Got stamped to death and hidden in a file.

We all afraid of simple single touch
of someone who can see the soul naked.

It might be like a waterfall - too much
to stay against... to stay in pain awaking.

But worst of all, the shadow of the dream
from distance past that comes in bursted heart...

Awaking in the dark by own wild scream,
let heart to fall into an endless stream,
let pain explode into an agonizing steam.
Let past to die...

...A gentle touch of shadow from the past
will break your ghastly peaceful world apart.


Bunden vers (Rim) av Julianna Strandberg VIP
Läst 366 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-22 17:11

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  Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Högklassig poesi i klassisk stil. Förtjusande och bra.
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Julianna Strandberg
Julianna Strandberg VIP