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Down from a highfall

Like i swim in your eys of deepest ocean calm
like the look in your inner soul, of who do we really know

We run out of time when we kiss
ohh n our seconds are bound to remeniss

oh how i love the sound of  our breaking seeds that grow
oh how i know were done 
couse weve allready been
Weve already been...down 
on the lowest low

the loving wind of you in my face
the eys of our linguering embrace
the rubbing cloths of stars explosion shine

the breath of a ride in my ears
the heartbroken tears of fears
shivers down my spine
oh how it hurts
oh how it hurts

to come down

Down from a highfall
The grandest ride of them all
and its falling snow on the first of May
what a peculiar honest thing for me to say
Something that youve already heard me speak out loud
In the middle of all that noice in the crowd
Ill say it once moore, one last time

I love you more than anything

now go

now go 

go with the wind

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Songbird VIP
Läst 279 gånger och applåderad av 11 personer
Publicerad 2014-07-26 08:42

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  Lars Hedlin
Very nicesly written!

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romantiskt vemod

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Songbird VIP