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Lone wolf


I'm a lonely wolf, an outsider
always been - always will be
this regardless rider
not a part of any herd, just me

like to say No instead of Yes
hate small talks and chit-chat
I consider it a bless
want to grow greater than that

Longing for like-minded
who discusses ideas, the situation
instead of these blinded
won't see as far as to another nation

stuck on the backyard
superficial stuff lovers
with there credit card
and their concern that it covers



Bunden vers (Rim) av KattenKin VIP
Läst 321 gånger och applåderad av 22 personer
Publicerad 2014-08-30 17:10

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  Lars Hedlin
Gillas ;) Mycket bra skrivit!

det skulle kunna vara jag!

    Dan Myrbeck
Bra skrivet!

  Oscar E Quinn
Love it!

    Elisabeth Nilsson VIP
Spännande tankar i din text! Och fin engelska.
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KattenKin VIP