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Power of sound


Listen to music that appeal to your heart
and you'll find ways
to allure your brain into a new start

Music and sonority is a source of healing
where you can find 
a memory for every feeling 

Tones of sounds make patterns in the sand
affects every cell, makes you tremble
but knowledge about this is almost banned

Resonance is God, the hand of the creation
you'll almost move mountains
with the bass line vibration

Angry and destructive tones destroying you
other civilizations used the power of sound
in times long before, they knew, but we are so blue


Sounds can be used as a weapon, take us to hell
-  be careful with that HAARP-
rain on desert soil and takes us to heaven as well

Bunden vers (Rim) av KattenKin VIP
Läst 375 gånger och applåderad av 9 personer
Publicerad 2014-09-15 14:22

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    ej medlem längre
Så sant så, vacker musik är som terapi för både kropp och själ.

  Lars Hedlin
Very nicely written!

    Elisabeth Nilsson VIP
Mycket bra diktat med fin engelska!
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KattenKin VIP