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The words of God

And his voice had all the rumbling force of the mountains, the solidity of its deep bedrock and the echo of all its hidden cavernous expanse, and the authority of its high reaching peaks. When he spoke it was not as though the earth shook, it was the shaking earth itself which was his voice. His rage was erupting volcanoes, blackening the sky and burning everyone and everything, the very land cracking beneath his fury. Every quake of his voice tore the landscape asunder, leaving all but desolation in its wake. He said “BELIEVE”, and all the oceans of the world boiled by the inferno of his speech. By then there was none left alive. He said “LIVE! OBEY!" and the world answered with silence. All but a decrepit lie remained.

Prosa av Verner Ask
Läst 350 gånger
Publicerad 2015-06-26 15:01

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