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Some one special to me

It was a rainy day
In the month of December
I was sitting on the chair
Under the roof of veranda
The rows of plants were in front of my view
The raindrops were dropping on them
Which were cleaning dust from the plants
A cool breeze was blowing
At that moment I closed my eyes
And I started thinking about
Some one special to me
I was feeling her existence
Because of my deep thinking about her
Suddenly I felt that someone had touched me
When I opened my eyes
I saw that it was not she
They were the drops of rain
Which were dropped on me
By the blowing breeze
But I was really shocked
When I smelled her fragrance in the air
And it remained a mystery for me
That whether she was there with me for a while
Or the deep thinking of her
Made me to feel her existence
But this romantic environment and thinking of her
Together made this day
A wonderful and unforgettable day for me

Övriga genrer av Sajid Khan
Läst 210 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2015-09-11 00:25

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Sajid Khan