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If you need to walk ten thousand miles

If you need to walk ten thousand miles,
you want to know there's a goal ahead.
Walking away without returning
leading to where you don't want to be lead.
When you are walking from but never to
and leaving dreams behind you,
to where you wish there would be dreams again,
but it looks like it never seems again
To be
To be
To be
To be

If you need to walk ten thousand miles
with a single step begins.
What's already lost it feels like loosing again
And he who's chasing you off he wins.
In where it shouldnt be nothing but dispair
but what your lacking in hope, my thoughts are with you where-
ever you go I wish to reach to you,
and that there still is a hope wishing each of you
To see
To see
To see
To see

If you need to walk ten thousand miles
there should be someone to welcome you,
cause you have emptied all your resources,
and need to build a new home to this you come home to.
Raising, raising from a solid ground
a home in the haven that you found,
and if you think its too big of a task
for helping hand you only have to ask
Of me
Of me
Of me
Of me

Bunden vers av Knickedick
Läst 284 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2015-09-23 10:47

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