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Basic Income - The Logical Solution



Wouldn't you all like to have more influence regarding your own life?, be the master of your destiny?, to feel that you posess more dignity?, so if the boss treats you bad, be able to say; ”Fuck you”! You would, wouldn't you! That's why I want to present the concept of Basic Income!

Basic income is an unconditional salary, paid by the state at a uniform level and at regular intervals, a right for every citizen, so even if you choose to work, you will be able to retain it. Some argue for age-limit, like you'll get it when you turn sixteen, the others says that "every citizen" naturally includes children. If so, maybe the salary for children will be lower until the age of sixteen.

The first to advocate the payment of a basic income as a right to all citizens, already in the eighteenth century, was Tomas Paine, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, and his assertion of the individual’s right to existence and to a share in the produce of nature is still the essence of this idea. Today there's a lot of things going on in this area, a great movement on the net that collect signatures for referendums, people and different party members writes a bill about it, there's also a lot of study groups in communities all over the world nowadays. Activists and academics started a network called BIEN (Basic Income Earth Network) in the eighties, every two year they gather at congresses, an involvement on grassroot level that advocates Basic Income.

Guy Standing is one of them, he's a professor in Development studies, and economist at the university of London. He's wrote a book called "The Precariat; The New Dangerous Class", which published 2011. According to Standing, there wouldn't be any problem to finance a system of Basic Income in rich countries like UK or Sweden, the problem is psychological. There's a lot of ideas that circulates about how to implement it, and one is to take grant for unemployment, social support, grant for sick days, child support, etc. and convert this into basic income instead.

Standing blames the globalisation. "The precarious" are people like you and me, they come from all sorts of social classes, as down from the gutter and up from the academic sphere, and what they have in common is that they live their lives under constant stress and uncertainty; they feel like they've lost their civil, cultural, political and social rights. This is dangerous for the elite, sooner or later there will be revolutions in all unequal countries. They should learn from history and respond to the requests for more basic security for the masses before there will be global uprisings. We also need to face fact, no one can conjure up jobs that aren't there, it's just bullshit they feed us with like dreams to save time, so we don't lose all our hopes on a better future and organizes the revolutions right away. No one is able to do anything about the lack of job opportunities, it's rather the opposite; the central bank counts on the unemployment to stay high, they need it to control the inflation. It's called NAIRO - Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate-of-Unemployment, i.e equilibrium unemployment. It's quite scary that they, i.e the government and the elite, tries to keep quiet about it! We could say that every unemployed doing a important job, like a economic unit which keeps the inflation rate down. It's the era of the employer, they can choose on the labor market and oppress us if they wish, we, the labor slaves share the fear to loose our jobs if we speak our minds and have the courage to complain. Sometimes, studied it from certain angle, one can see that they won hands and imagine that it's an capitalist conspiracy but already Karl Marx talked about that the technology would take over in the future and that our labor days naturally going to be shorter. That day, that golden opportunity arrived long ago, the digitalisation and technology has taken over, which has left human with an freedom which we're not allowed, not supposed to possess because they look upon us like enemies which they have to control. We been indoctrinated by them for centuries, and on one side of this shady business we have Calvin and Luther, and through them, further through lapdog liberals and moralists like priests, politicians, even economists. They made work to an sacred act, like the patently ludicrous statement that you don't have the right to eat if you not worked for it. The animals seems smarter, they just eat. This workfare line is like they reinvented the model from Nazi Germany; "Arbeit, macht, frei". Simultaneously it shouldn't come as a surprise for anyone that our capitalistic system that we embraces like we don't have any other choice, function like a pyramid and those who make the least useful indeed tend to be the ones who benefit most. In the rough as Paul Lafargue, Karl Marx son-in-law put it: a madness seems to have gripped the socialist movement and the working class; they demand their right to be wage slaves. No wonder why when you consider the scale of the propaganda we been exposed for; brainwashed for real through generations.

Furthermore, Basic income has been tried out for real in Namibia, India, Iran, Canada, and some states in US, and next year, in 2016, there will be an referendum concerning basic income in Switzerland. The Dutch province of Utrecht the Netherlands will try out the theory in a pilot test which also will set off next year. On the whole the results are overwhelmingly, really splendid; teenagers dropped off school less, they got higher test score, adults jump on further educations, more women choosed to stay home with their newborn, entrepreneurship increased, a lot of small business were started, rates for mental illness and criminal activity went down.

In conclusion, we can't bypass and ignore the obvious; this is not an infinite planet, the resources aren't there to keep up this insane economic growth any longer. We need a sustainable approach, both ecological and social for the future and the next generations. Let's be wise and put an end to this exploitation of mankind and Mother Earth! It's almost hundred years since the parliament in Sweden introduced the Act of eight hour labor day, in 1919. Don't you all agree that it's time for a change! We should share the job that needs to be done like healthcare and education and introduce six hours labor day, or even less. We need to free ourselves from this government control, like economic punishment from employment agency if your not adjust to their rules and send in written evidence that your looking for a job that does not exist, and join the workfare militant force of phase three for example. Or accept the job in Japan even if you live in Europe. Give people the power to decide more over their own lives, life is short, it's just a moment we have here on earth, and it's more to value in life besides work, like relations, the health, to have the time to reflect, raise our own children, spend some time with our elderly, not just send them on institutions, like daycare centers and retirement homes. People will invent stuff, write books, paint, and do new, maybe radical things, which their communities will benefit from. It's a matter of fact that it's more like a rule that humans want to be a part of the society, but there are exception also of course, but they are few. It's not likely that the great part will lay on the couch in front of the telly all day, that's just a myth.

Let's be more than a depressed generation-x losers on this planet; let's capture the spirit of the time, vote for less working hours and Basic Income, let mankind flourish and give them the opportunity to make their dreams come true!


Övriga genrer av KattenKin VIP
Läst 336 gånger och applåderad av 20 personer
Publicerad 2015-10-01 18:09

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    Dan Myrbeck
Har inte möjlighet att läsa hela, men det jag gått igenom visar att texten är väldigt välskriven och bra.

Får mig att tänka på en text jag skrivit:

Fredrik Reinfeldt

Balansakt på slak lina.

Linan är arbetslinjen.


  Magdalena Eriksson VIP
Det jag fattar är bra. Men min engelska är to bad.

  Lars Hedlin

  gunnnar nylund VIP
Jodå, i detta resonemang ryms mycket av dagens problem. Vi har fostrats i ett system där arbete och pengar styr och manipulerar oss till produktiva enheter i ett vinstlotteri.
Smulorna tillfaller löntagaren, det mesta av kakan behåller banken,
aktieägarna, storföretagen etc.

Vi jobbar 8 timmar/dag för att ha råd
att äta, bo och leva.
På stenåldern arbetade man c.a
3-4 timmar om dagen, resten av tiden ägnades åt socialt umgänge

Inte undra på att vi håller på att
bli knäppa.... vi börjar allt mer likna
drogade viljelösa dockor som styrs
med hjälp av Informationsteknologi.

En medborgarlön skulle lösa många
av dagens problem.

    Elisabeth Nilsson VIP
Du sätter fingret, ja, hela handen, på världen av idag, med alla dess existentiella obesvarade frågor. Din slutsats är högst önskvärd. Men tyvärr styrs vi av maktens välmående. Men kanske generationer längre fram kommer att tänka annat? Hur som helst, en mycket bra uppsats på engelska språket.

  i af apa
on the spot!!
punkt genau!

good thinking there

Bra och viktig text !!

    ej medlem längre
Verkligt viktig artikel. Verkligt.

  Onomatoprofet VIP
Fin tanke, kanske nåt för kommande generationer?

    ej medlem längre
Så bra skrivet! Fortsätter det som det är nu så är givetvis risken stor att det blir upplopp och bråk. Fler och fler arbetslösa och bostadslösa, det går inte i längden.

    ej medlem längre

  Marianne Räf
You´re so right !
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KattenKin VIP