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Back to our hearts

In a peaeful town
Where no buss goes
And the giver shows
Tells me about
How im a child
Soaring above
With a collective mind
Their is no sense of time
Whenever my friends around
I've got it all
A story to tell
For their is even more
Their is the whole wide world
And space just flows
Through my mind all day
Round and round
Up and down
All i need is some
All i need is everyone
To let go and let live
For in all eyes i can see
Dreams and hearts
Alive as the stars
It's our life
So let's put it on
Leave them alone
So that everyone can find a home
So that our hearts can collide
And the colours will show the way
To help us get up
To drown in our senses
Scream out loud
And say that we're just fine
Even if the world burns down
I know that i am always gonna be around
Our inner child is alive
So we're waiting for nothing
Someone to show the way
Out of the questions unknown
And a peaceful time will begin
It's all or nothing for me
It's what my eyes can't see
What we feel deep down
So heavy and so proud
Let it all out
Say what you wanna say
Or else we can never find
Our love and light

Fri vers (Fri form) av Starchilled child
Läst 260 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-10-31 17:25

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Starchilled child