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Text från CORRODED - State of Disgrace https://open.spotify.com/track/7jaD5Nulx6EMkcPqDdejGm

uncommon sense

This time you hit me low
you think I wouldn't know?
this time is all on you
(your) crippling lies are sickening me
provoke to disappear

A different way of pain
The kind I won't abstain
breath through my teeth for you
What you contruct I will tear apart
a master to surpress

How is your need to win
I yearn your battle-skin
let slip these dogs of war
forcefeeding truth and bickering lies
is a sign of disbelief

A tyrant left for dead
enough yet nothing said
I'll be your bitter half
your pen and your sword are equal to me
printed chloroform

(when you)
cut down the forest to make room for a tree
go blame the glaciers for stealing water from the sea
cut down the forest to make room for a tree
hang on to the straw that broke the camels back

Disolve my inner beast
turn pole from north to east
how sharp this serpents tooth?
Rapidly torn but smooth to the touch
shell shocked
one moving part is not enough

A living life at stake
Eyes shut but wide awake
your tears they salt my wounds
my character's ghost got carried away
make shift
agree to disagree

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fredrik Westin
Läst 111 gånger
Publicerad 2015-12-19 18:39

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Fredrik Westin
Fredrik Westin