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You told me you loved me and smiled,
That's when I knew you had my heart,
How did I ever get this lucky?
I've been speechless from the start.

The very day we first met each other,
I knew you were one of a kind,
You were intelligent and special,
Those who cannot se that must be blind.

Those who cannot se your beauty,
The spark inside your blue eyes,
Those who do not think you're that good,
Must have been fed with only lies.

For your humble kindness is an ocean,
Your intelligence the deep wood,
Your strength is like a mountain,
I love you more than I ever should.

But I think that I can trust you,
If it is love you feel for me,
And now I've left my heart with you,
So from now on, let's stay as "we"

Bunden vers (Rim) av Elisabeth Skoog
Läst 241 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2016-01-21 23:52

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Elisabeth Skoog
Elisabeth Skoog