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Up the many flights of stairs I stumbled,
venturing as high as I could.
Not long ago, the sun told that the day had begun.
On the horizon for hours I stood.

Then down and down from outer space I fell,
and felt the world pull me in with its gravity.
And as I crashed into the ground, I didn’t even make a sound.
The unspoken word thrown at me: "Insanity."

“It’s such a pity,” a man said, “That this troublesome child
decided to paint the whole street red.”
“Agreed,” said another, “My car used to be blue, now what ever shall I do?”
A single tear not even once was shed.

Many a days have passed since then.
My body, six feet under, left to rot.
But the truth is I had never died, instead I had come alive.
In my mind were painted beautiful forget-me-nots.

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Publicerad 2016-03-05 23:34

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