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When the moon collides


There is a man in the eastern skylight
He is called the morning sun
And he shines
over us that fails

There is a witch on the other side of heaven
And she steals away the moon
And it's she
that divides our sins

In the time of chaos and whispers
there where children of the night
They where endlessly in darkness
waiting for the shining light

When the earth turned on its axix
something snapped like rocks on ice
And a voice came in the moonlight
like the of sounds of rolling dice

Fire in the sky
Lightning all around us
When the morningsun
and the moon collides

I see people die
Burning all around us
When the morningsun
wash away the night

Fire in the sky
Lightning all around us
When the morningsun
and the moon collides

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Daniel_78 VIP
Läst 448 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2016-04-04 08:42

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  Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Supreme! Song.
“He is called the morning sun
and he shines
over us that fail”
A supreme song for the Eurovision Song Contest. Lyrics and music good tema for a Generis to an apocalyptic film scenario if it is interpret: us (USA)
Otherwise a song very much for singing poetry for us. Where the universe ends its master thump thump experiments with soil on the carousel.
What you have caught in flagrante delicto the moon and the sun, In the meantime:
"Waiting for the shining light’
Splendid!, Cool!, that's great!

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Daniel_78 VIP