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The Bind that Ties

Deep as a far away ocean
But blue as the clearest sky
They have put all these things in motion
For a moment, I was sure I could fly

Like the smell of rain after a drought
Clear and cold drops on my face
Smoke so thick, the fire is not out
It's like trying to breathe in the vast space

I try to picture a day without home
My shelter through every storm
Wandering while crackling walls leave the roof, a simple dome
The fire will burn me, it's so searing and warm

Through the cracks I see them clear
The shade of home, that's true
I am drowning in that deep blue
The one that is called your eyes
They are the window to the soul
The bind that ties

Övriga genrer av Korwis
Läst 240 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-10-05 21:54

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