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going home. (engelsk text)


hello moon,
here I am
going home
alone, again

you see

I remember
the last time,
it was winter too,

there was no snow yet
but dark as it can be,
except you

hello moon
it’s me again
going home

you see

singing our tune,
you know,
dancing by myself,
(all the right moves)

waiting on the bus,
you see
talking with no one,
except you

hello moon
here I am again
going home

sitting on the bus,
you see
singing out our tune,
people are watching me
you know,
wondering what I do,

going home
going home
going home alone


© December 2016

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Celticgirl
Läst 353 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-12-09 20:18

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