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How come (my own fault)



how come

I haven't been dreamin'
for so long
haunted by a demon
all those sleepless nights

I was all alone
with darkness all around me
I was blind
although I could see
everything except
the girl who was reaching out to me

I didn't realise it then
but I do now (too late)
she reached out her hand to me
when I couldn't even breathe

how come
that I start dreamin' now
about her
I wonder
because her hand that was meant for me
has been taken
by a better man

so why
do I dream again now
why do I dream about her

I'm such an idiot
with a foolish heart
always too late
always my own fault

so how come
she appears in all my dreams
when she's living her dream with another man
oh, life and your fucking irony
you finally show me what I need
but you lock the door and throw away the key

in life
you sink or you swim
if I'd been wiser way back when
who knows what could've been

I clench my fist and grin
but at least I find solace in knowing
that she's happy with him






Fri vers av Nicklas VIP
Läst 283 gånger och applåderad av 8 personer
Publicerad 2017-03-11 22:50

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Nicklas VIP