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You are fascinating me

As soon as the man reach the ground he saettled after the girl, but she was gone.

"Blody hell! Where is she?

He looked around in the forest but didnt see anything else than trees. But then he heard something moving behind som bruches close to him. He moved closer and saw the shade from the girl hiding among the thick brunches. Quickly the man put his arm into the buch and pulled her out from there.

" Now I got you miss"

" No, let me go, let me go! Take your hands of me! "

The prince lose his grip of her arm and for the first time he had an opportunity to look at her. He liked what he saw.

" Easy miss, are you always this cookie? "

"Only when stupid men follow me wherever i go..."

" I understand. Im sorry. But I must say it was all worth it from my part. You are worth running for miss..."

" Can I go now? "

The prince looked att he for some seconds before he answered. He smiled .

"Not untill you tell me your name"

"Your highness do not need to know that"

"What if I actually do?"


"Because I want to see you again miss"

The girl blushed and answered

"And what makes you think I want to see you again?"

He looked at her. She really was an uncommen woman. So strong in her will. Not like the other girls at the how who always tried to please him in different ways. Beautiful clothes, tons of makup and neverending giggling did not impress him. He wanted a girl beyond beautiful clothes. Someone who dered expose her thoughts out loud. Just like this girl. He answered her.

- You are fascinating me.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Den lilla tänkande
Läst 562 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2017-07-07 14:48

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The kind of girl I would fall for

  Petter Wingren
Saga i classisk folklore men med aktuellt feministiskt innehåll. Budskapet är viktigt, att först när vi inte håller fast varann kan vi få syn på varann och uppskatta skönheten i personligheten.
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