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Little Existence

Imagine you were just
A tiny little pebble
Floating through existence
Not knowing you didn’t exist
Knowing you were nothing more
Than whatever you made yourself into

So one day
You said
Fuck it
And there was life

What little existence did not know
He came not from nothing
He could not put his finger on it
Or what it was
But it was the eternal flame
Upon which he soared

So with a roar
He said fuck it
And once more
There was life

Growing existence saw his offspring
All the same, from the same
Beginning to divide
From what used to be the same
Into worlds that they themselves
Could never comprehend

And in a choir
They panicked
Said fuck it
And worlds were all around

None of them like the other
And never again one
From something had come everything
And with everything
The concept of something
And the punch that sparked our dawn

We started to think
But still, we all said fuck it
And big existence
Could not believe, what he had done

All of the little worlds
Started to collide
Most of them merged just fine
Into something, that resembled
What used to be the one
But he wasn’t alone anymore, because

There were those, rugged existences
In the outskirts of it all
Who thought, fuck it
And we defined life

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Okande VIP
Läst 306 gånger
Publicerad 2018-03-10 14:52

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