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Falken berättar 11

A Story from India

 Once upon a time....


"This story was told to me by my indian friend and kindred spirit Mohinder Sing (Mahi) many years ago. As one way of explaining The Power of The Divine Source of Energy, in the beginning of my own  Spiritual Journey of Life.
So please sit back and let me tell you a story about..."




The Great Muslim King


There was a Great Muslim King who lived in India around 1600 BC. His name was Akbar The Great. He believed in freedom of religion, but was not very religious himself. One of his most trusted ministers was Hindu. His name was Birbal and very religious. Akbar used to make fun of Birbal because of that.. 


So one morning when they were standing on the veranda of the castle, overlooking the great River Jamuma, Akbar asked Birbal: "If you believe in your religion so much, will it help you in any situation?"
Birbal answerd with great calmness: 
Then Akbar looked seriously at Birbal as he took one of his diamond rings of his finger and with great force threw it into the deep fast flowing river. Telling the suprised Birbal that he had two days to find it, or face the anger of a king. Birbal had no idea how to do that, but was convinced his religion would help him.


In those days, as the story goes, all grocery merchants who had not sold their goods in the evening sold it to the Kings kitchen. What ever was left over and they get paid for it. The next evening a fisherman, who had caught a very big fish in the river, and not being able to sell it at the market, came to the Kings kitchen door to sell it. And guess what! When it was cleaned up, the kitchen staff found the ring in its stomach and brought it to the king. Who was very surpised and also very happy. He never made fun of Birbal and his religion again, because he was also a very wise King.


As in every good story there is of course a moral learning in this story too; And it is that "The Divien Power of All Things will always provide. Maybe not the way you want, or whenever you want it... But always in the way you need it most.


The End



Evelyn FalkMöller




Prosa (Kortnovell) av Evelyn Falk Möller VIP
Läst 538 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2018-09-18 11:12

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Evelyn Falk Möller
Evelyn Falk Möller VIP